Regardless of the design you choose, we offer printing on four different types of wallpaper materials. It's important to note that the variation in pricing among these materials is due to differences in thickness and print quality.

Each wallpaper material we offer is carefully selected to meet our quality standards and provide you with a range of options to suit your preferences. The pricing reflects the unique characteristics and benefits of each material.

Our knowledgeable team can guide you through the selection process, helping you understand the differences in material thickness and print quality. This way, you can make an informed decision based on your specific requirements and desired outcome.

We believe in providing transparency and ensuring that you receive the best value for your investment. Rest assured that regardless of the material you choose, we maintain high standards of printing quality to deliver a beautiful and durable finished product.

If you have any further questions or need assistance in selecting the right material for your wallpaper, our dedicated customer support team is here to help. We are committed to helping you create a stunning and personalized space with our printed wallpapers.

Thank you for considering us for your wallpaper printing needs. We appreciate your trust in our products and services, and we look forward to exceeding your expectations.